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Survey’s In: 4 Factors Impacting the Employee Experience that Employers Need to Take Seriously


Don’t Let Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Goals Fall off the Radar in 2021

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2020 has been a tough year for human resources (HR) and training professionals. The pandemic made complicated jobs even more complex, the unprecedented and massive move to working from home disrupted routines, and employee health and safety took on new implications. HR leaders had to manage reorganizations, and training professionals had to dramatically overhaul programs. Now, we’re moving toward a “new normal” that no one can define with any certainty.

As we confront a still-uncertain business environment in 2021, it would be easy to go off track and allow earlier goals to slide. After all, many priorities have changed, and businesses are under stress. It’s possible to lose sight of program objectives created during “normal” times. But when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) goals, they are more important than ever now.