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10 Ways Technology Can Impact Your Employee Relations Strategy

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Are you still documenting and storing employee issues in folders or spreadsheets?  Your employees and leaders benefit when you have more robust processes in place.

Here are 10 ways you and your organization can benefit from employee relations management technology:

  1. Help Funny Frank rein his routines.  You know Frank. His inappropriate jokes have caused him to be reassigned from one department to the next. With proper documentation and tracking, Frank’s “funnies” can be easily uncovered and disciplined effectively.
  2. HRBPs: partner with power. Equipped with the right tools, HR business partners Helen, Ronnie, Bob, and Pete will be able to document all their issues consistently, update each other’s cases and reassign cases to each other as necessary – helping them prioritize their partnerships instead of looking for papers. That’s a powerful partnership.
  3. Provide real insight into your executives. President Pat will be able to make sound decisions from the charts and graphs that you present to the senior leadership team. Where are employee events occurring?  What patterns do you see? How can your employee data help drive future investment? You’ll help drive strategy, and she’ll love that you can save and schedule these reports for your monthly meetings.
  4. Collaborate on investigations while maintaining confidentiality. COE Investigators Chloe, Olivia, and Ed will be able to collaborate on investigations while preserving the security required for sensitive matters. Set the appropriate roles and permissions, safeguarding information while creating a defensible trail. Your team and your organization both remain protected, while the investigation moves ahead quickly.
  5. Link up with Legal. HR management technology enables a “single source of truth,” storing all relevant documentation in a single place. Corporate Counsel Chris will appreciate the centralized repository and easy access to historical case information when former employees file claims against the organization.
  6. Manage every day issues quickly. Leaders have day jobs — to lead and manage their teams, not to create HR documentation. Manager Mike will benefit from built-in letter templates to easily document employee performance issues.
  7. See the big picture. CHRO Charlotte will be able to identify current employee-related issues across the organization and determine which departments may need additional training or policy reviews.
  8. Protect your organization. Retaliating Rita will be advised of the organization’s non-retaliation policy when she is interviewed during an investigation, thanks to the consistent investigation opening and closing protocols.
  9. Protect your team. Since everyone knows that the HR team has a fair process for dealing with all employee issues, Bystander Brianna will feel confident that she can go to HR to share her concerns about inappropriate workplace conduct.
  10. Reduce risk. Your Board of Directors will appreciate the reduced risk that results from the ability to monitor and track issues that impact its most valuable asset – your workforce.

Spreadsheets, folders and generic case management technology all serve a purpose – but managing employee incidents and investigations isn’t one of them. Employee relations technology can help you introduce fair, consistent processes across your organization – and give you peace of mind.

Implementing new technology can be stressful, but we’re here to help ensure a smooth transition. Want to learn more? Read 10 Steps for Consistent and Thorough Documentation, or contact us for a personal conversation.