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Proactive Management: Why You Should be Managing Your Team Less Reactively

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As we’ve noticed in recent years, organizations of all sizes need to actively prepare for issues and problems in the workplace using newer management methods. Of course, we can’t predict a worldwide pandemic, but as human resource and employee relations managers, we can strategize ways to identify potential problems before they affect the bottom line of your organization or result in a negative effect on your company’s reputation.  

Flipping management from reactive to proactive, especially when it comes to risk and encouraging transparency within your teams, is becoming a necessary component of the modern-day workplace.  

What is Proactive Management?

By definition, proactive management is when a manager takes proactive steps to make sure that the goals of an organization are achieved. Proactive managers have a tendency to anticipate and prevent problems before they arise, which is what makes them so effective. They are not waiting for something to happen; they’re actively looking out and trying to find ways to make things better. Unlike proactive management, reactive management is when a manager responds to and deals with a problem that’s already occurred. This means the consequences can often be much worse.  

Can Proactive Management Benefit You and Your Organization?

Portrait of a confident black businesswoman at work in her glass officeA proactive management strategy is not a reaction to a problem. It is a way of thinking about business problems that anticipate future challenges and opportunities. Proactive management increases productivity, lowers costs, improves customer service and strengthens decision-making. It also serves to inspire employees and empower them to develop their own skills. 

The risks involved when considering a more proactive approach to management.

Proactive management is a good way to ensure that your organization stays on track. However, proactive management can have its drawbacks. 

One of the disadvantages of proactive management is that it can lead to a behavior of risk aversion. Some employees who have a more reactive mindset may choose not to take potential risks and will be overly careful with their decisions to avoid any mistakes. This can lead to a lack of innovation and creativity in the workplace, which can harm an organization’s growth.  

This shouldn’t be a complete deterrence from implementing a proactive management strategy into your organization as it can be a useful leadership tool that can promote strong employee relations and engagement in the workplace, including fostering transparency across management levels. If you feel that taking on a completely proactive management style isn’t 100% suitable for your organization, there are proactive management strategies and techniques that can still grow your company and build relationships between management and employees.  

Implementing Proactive Management Strategies and Techniques

The proactive management system is a structured way to manage and improve organizational performance. It identifies and solves problems before they become too big. These systems often include multiple phases to ensure success, which may involve: 

  • Establishing goals, objectives and tactics for the organization to adjust to a more proactive approach and strategic management plan. For example, having best practices in place to support employees to come forward with their concerns, no matter how small, before it becomes a larger issue.  
  • Implementing these strategies in a way that promotes connectedness and transparency within the organization. Train all managers on how to connect with employees and foster trusting relationships, in addition to equipping them with skills to handle issues that might happen to arise 
  • Measuring the progress made by comparing actual performance with planned goals. Here you can identify areas of improvement and external growth opportunities.  
  • And more.  

You can implement a proactive management system through the use of strategic employee relations software like those offered by HR Acuity. Meanwhile, set goals and incorporate all team members in the training process so they understand how proactive management can be a successful strategy instead of one that’s averse to every major risk.  

Conclusion: The Importance of a Proactive Approach to Leadership

Becoming a proactive manager isn’t easy. It needs a lot of time, patience, and effort to make an impact. But the benefits of being a proactive leader are worth the investment. Proactive leaders are not afraid to make mistakes, they know that mistakes are the best way to learn. They also know that they can’t control everything, but they do their best to plan ahead and prepare for the future. 

Don’t worry, embracing proactive leadership doesn’t mean going about it all on your own. ManagER from HR Acuity is an excellent resource and tool for HR and ER managers wanting to manage employee relations in a more proactive way that can help pinpoint and prevent potential issues from spiraling out of control. You can request a demo of the software through the HR Acuity website.