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Understanding California SB 553: A Guide for Employee Relations Professionals

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As we step into a new era of workplace safety, California Senate Bill (SB) 553 is set to bring transformative changes to how organizations address workplace violence. If your organization operates in California or even has a single employee based there, understanding the implications of this legislation is not just important—it’s imperative.

California SB 553 mandates that most California employers develop and implement a comprehensive Workplace Violence Prevention Plan by July 1, 2024. This plan is designed to safeguard employees by proactively identifying and mitigating risks of workplace violence. But there are exceptions to this requirement. Those exempt from this mandate are employers already adhering to Cal/OSHA’s Violence Prevention in Healthcare standards, law enforcement agencies, remote employees not under direct employer control, small employers with 10 or fewer employees in non-public locations and employers with a workforce entirely outside of California.

For all others, it’s critical to take action by understanding California SB 553 and applying the requirements within your business. Let’s look at what California SB 553 entails:

Policy Development and Management

At the heart of California SB 553 is the mandate for a comprehensive Workplace Violence Prevention Plan. But the legislation is about more than just having a policy on paper; it’s about making sure everyone in your organization understands your Workplace Violence Prevention Plan and knows how to act on it.

In developing the plan, California SB 553 requires active involvement from employees and representatives. And organizations must designate specific individuals to oversee the implementation and maintenance of the Workplace Violence Prevention Plan, ensuring it’s not just a document but a living, breathing part of your workplace culture.

The policy also needs to be accessible for every employee–with proper training provided to create awareness and preparedness and ensure every team member is equipped to contribute to a safer work environment. This training should cover recognizing and responding to workplace violence, understanding the reporting process and knowing the roles and responsibilities within the Workplace Violence Prevention Plan.

Keeping Record of Incidents

California SB 553 also mandates meticulous record-keeping of all incidents related to workplace violence, including hazard identification, correction, training and incident investigations. These records must be retained for at least five years and be readily available for audits or inquiries.

Incident Reporting & Identification

Organizations must also have a dependable process for employees to report incidents or concerns to comply with California SB 553. And beyond that, regular identification of hazards related to workplace violence is a requirement of the legislation.

Post-Incident Response

The legislation also requires that organizations have a clear procedure for post-incident response and review, ensuring that issues are addressed and corrected.

Make sure you’re on track for the July 2024 deadline.

Take our California SB 553 Readiness Quiz now to uncover any gaps in your preparedness and ensure your organization is fully compliant. This is your opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and avoid costly penalties.


How HR Acuity Can Help with California SB 553

HR Acuity’s end-to-end employee relations case management and workplace investigation technology is perfectly positioned to meet the requirements of California SB 553.

Our comprehensive software serves as a centralized repository for all workplace incidents, from intake to aftercare, ensuring that every piece of documentation is stored in a way that is both easily accessible and highly secure.

Here are some of the many ways HR Acuity can help you comply with California SB 553:

  • Record-Keeping: Our platform ensures every incident is meticulously documented and easily accessible, meeting the strict record-keeping requirements of the law.
  • Incident Reporting: Speakfully, powered by HR Acuity, offers secure channels for reporting workplace violence, fully addressing the law’s incident reporting mandates.
  • Incident Response: Our technology enables prompt and effective responses to reported incidents, promoting compliance with the law and protecting your employees.
  • Proactive Measures: With our powerful analytics tool, you can identify and rectify potential hazards before they escalate into serious issues, ensuring a safe, secure work environment that is compliant with California SB 554.

To see how HR Acuity can assist in navigating California SB 553’s requirements, book a demo with us today. We’re committed to helping organizations like yours manage employee relations effectively and create positive, safe work environments.

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