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Survey’s In: 4 Factors Impacting Employee Experience Employers Must Recognize

What do employees value most? And how do employers’ actions influence employee experience, loyalty and trust?  

Download the insights – no form required – to access the latest findings from over 2,200 employees about the current state of the workplace since the beginning of 2023.

4 Factors Impacting Employee Experience Employers Must Recognize

What do employees feel has the greatest impact on a trusted workplace?

Today’s workforce expects employers to uphold core principles to foster a strong company culture. Listening to what employees value is crucial to enhance employee experience and keep employees engaged.

What employers are looking for

The Most Significant Factors Impacting Workplace Trust Include Transparency, Accountability, Flexibility and Inclusivity

Transparency and communication with employees

49% - Leadership

Leadership integrity, accountability and values

48% - Flexibility

Flexibility (paid time off, work environment, etc.)

41% - Culture

Inclusive and respectful workplace culture

Critical Considerations for Employers

How employers treat employees during crucial moments can make or break an employee’s experience, affect morale, productivity and engagement, as well as the organization’s ability to attract and retain talent. 

Critical Considerations

Improve Employee Experience at Your Company with HR Acuity

Rethinking Employee Experience: Four Critical Overlooked Moments uncovers the latest data and insights into the fundamental behaviors employees value most, how employers’ actions influence employee experience and what’s at stake for employers when these moments are overlooked. 

HR Acuity’s comprehensive HR case management and employee relations software is designed to enable you to address employee issues with consistency, fairness and transparency, contributing to a positive employee experience. 

Improve Employee Experience

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