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Join Us: The 2025 Employee Relations Roundtable Coming to Boston Oct 28-29


Expert Webinar: Proven Practices for Diverse and Inclusive Investigations


Recorded Webinar


Deb Muller

CEO, HR Acuity

Kia Roberts

Triangle Investigations Founder

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Featuring Kia Roberts, J.D., Founder, Triangle Investigations

In 2021 and into 2022, diversity, equity and inclusion remain top of mind – and how we conduct investigations as employee relations leaders and workplace investigations is a critical piece of DE&I. Conducting independent, unbiased inquiries about allegations of workplace misconduct is a must, not just this year, but every year.

Join HR Acuity CEO, Deb Muller and Triangle Investigations Founder, Kia Roberts, J.D. as they discuss new and innovative approaches for conducting diverse investigations. They cover:

  • How to handle complaints related to discrimination/race claims
  • The increased demand for investigations to be conducted by outside investigators
  • The process of creating a specialized internal unit for conducting race-based discrimination claims

Kia and Deb also discuss what D&I initiatives they have seen working.

Kia Roberts is the Founder and Principal of Triangle Investigations, a group of lawyers and expert investigators conducting misconduct investigations within workplaces, schools, and other organizations. She was the NFL’s first-ever Director of Investigations and is an expert speaker on diversity, inclusion and best practices in investigations.

Watch On-Demand today by submitting the form on the right!

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HR Acuity is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.